22 November, 2012

Friend's influence reloaded

Once more my friend Marco has suggested a table. It's Scared Stiff from the Pinball Arcade series. 

I must say that I agree 100 % with his choice. The game is really fun to play. There are plenty of things to do and moreover I remarked that the ball does not drain too easily. A great pinball.

Since one must buy a game pack, while purchasing Scared Stiff I also got Big Shot. 

This one is an oldie but a top quality goodie. An apparently simple game but in fact quite challenging: it takes really quite some skill (and luck) in order to collect all 15 targets.

My only critique, but it is an important one and which moreover applies to all Pinball Arcade games, is the ball. Just look at the screenshots. The reflection of the playfield onto the ball is so exaggerated (and to my eyes not realistic) as to make the ball difficult to follow. I think that the first pinballs with reflections on the ball were the ones of the ProPinball series. I would suggest to digital pinball developers to go back and play the ProPinball classics: the ball is clearly visible at all moments. Among all the existing simulations only those of Littlewing obey the elementary rule to keep the ball clearly visible.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey, you're back. Great you liked Scared Stiff too. After playing it a while I noticed it was relatively easy to finish all the tasks to start the Scared Stiff mode. Finishing it is the bigger challenge.

    Big Shot was also part of the Gottlieb Classics on Nintendo Wii, where I played it before. I too like the challenge of finishing all droptargets. :)
